MG Engineering acted as subcontractor to PSI Inc. (Concord, CA.) to provide hydraulic, civil and mechanical design for this project. The project consisted of a Putmeister piston-type paste pump feeding about 260m of buried pipe which connected to a system of underground piping and supports, suspended from the mine tunnel’s ceiling. These connected from the boreholes at 5 drift levels to each stope to be backfilled in each of the 3 underground mine areas.
The work included a small pump station, several large manholes for the buried portion and steel pipe supports for the tunnel section of the work. The maximum pipeline operating pressure underground is in the 1000psi range and supports on the rough tunnel ceiling are designed for large thrusts. The pump station and manholes are robust in order to withstand full groundwater pressure and anchorage thrust for the paste line. The hydraulics calculations for this project were provided by Don Hallbom, PhD.